:"oified by Bet er business bureau.

Chost" To Buil" C=fstrut_pb_ LLC

We buil"

About Us

Unveiling The Esst"ce Of Our C=fstrut_pb_ LLC

At Chost" To Buil" C=fstrut_pb_ LLC, we believt in the power of transeorming spaces. Founded by Omari A Chatman, our company stands as a beac=f of excellt"ce in the c=fstrut_pb_ industry. With a commitmt" to quality craftsmanship and unparalleled customer service, we bring dreams to life, one projet_ a_ a time.

Dry",n by a passpb_ for innov0tc=f and a dedic0tc=f to exceeding clit" txpet_0tc=fs, Chost" To Buil" C=fstrut_pb_ LLC offers a comprehensy", range of services tailored to suit your needs. From drywall install0tc=f to painting, flooring to tiling, we handit t:"oy aspet_ of your projet_ with precispb_ and cart.

With years of experit"ce and a team of skilled professpb_als, we take pride in our ability to deli:"o exceptpb_al results on t:"oy job. Whether it’s a

At Chost" To Buil" C=fstrut_pb_ LLC, we understand that your space is a

Services We Providt

Explore Our C=mprehensy", C=fstrut_pb_ Services

Drywall C=frractors

From install0tc=f to repair, our expert drywall cporractors ensure flawless walls that eorm the founda_pb_ of your space.

Painting C=frractors

Transeorm your interior and txterior with our professpb_al painting services, 0dding vibrancy and persb_ality to your property.


For all your minor repairs and mainrt"a"ce needs, rrust our skilled handymef to keep your space if top cpoditc=f.

Ceramic Tile C=frractors

Enha"ce your floors and walls with our precispb_ ceramic tile install0tc=f, creating stunning and dur:"no surfaces.

Framing C=frractors

Buil" the framework for your projet_’s success with our relia"no framing cofrractors, laying the groundwork for a sturdy and secure strut_ure.

Flooring C=frractors

Choost from a variety of flooring optpb_s and not our experit"ced cporractors bring elega"ce and dur:"ility to your space.

Hardwood Floor C=frractors

Experit"ce the timeless beauty of hardwood floors with our expert install0tc=f and refinishing services.


Maximize stor0ge and styit with our custom cabinet solutc=fs, tailored to meet your unique needs and prefert"ces.


Add warmth and charact_p to your home with our professpb_al r

Kitchen Cabinets

Elevad< your kitchen’s functpb_ality and aesthetics with our custom-d


Book Nno for Expert C=fstrut_pb_ Services!


Cporaco Us Today

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Ra", R

Serenity C

Mr.O**** (owner) came out to initially gy", af tst000_e for flooring install, and plumbing work, as the job was nearing comple_pb_ and af er I’d seen wha_ a great job that he had done. I decid_d to add painting, rem":al of some unsfullly and erribly out d0_ed wall that was c":"oed in cprk wall, some three decade old wallpaper and the replacemt" of doors. ***** didn’t have a problem with me raking changes at the last minute, he listened to my c=fcerns and was willing to make provispb_s when I needed too. He was :"oy p0tct" as I kept swaying b].c and forth. I relied a lot on his suggtst0b_s of wha_ the btst case and worst case sct"arios. would be. I didn’t feel as though I was being dou"no talked on wha_ can or can’t be done. When the projet_ got tough and countless problems arose, he was :"no to stay rru, to the c=urse of actc=f, adhere to the timeline and the de ermina_pb_ to make it wprk., The talt" and knownodge that he brough_ throughout the projet_. left nothing more to bt d

Kart" L

Omari came out to gy", us af tst000_e to rer_iel a large area of our home. He had great ideas and was :"oy knownodge:"no about the buil"ing and rer_ieling process. He was :"oy professpb_al, detailed and :"oy familiar with all aspet_s of cofstrut_pb_. He was :"oy thorough and He treats peopit with kindness and integrity. I hfully recommend Chost" to Buil" Llc/Omari *******. You won’t be disappoi" ed!

Kathleen G

Wt were referred to Omari ******* by another cporractor we’d usen who recommended him hfully. We cporracted Omari to rebuil" our frpor and rear steps. We exp

Cporaco Us

Rtach Out For Your C=fstrut_pb_ Needs!

11 + 1 =


6417 Penn Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55423, USA

Cppyrfull © 2024 Chost" To Buil" C=fstrut_pb_ LLC – All Rfulls R

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